
Happy New Year!

It's the last day of the year, and I want to thank all of you who visit here. I find myself feeling extra thankful for all the blessings God has giving me this year. Looking ahead to the new year- I find my heart having one strong feeling to DREAM AND BELIEVE that wonderful things are going to came for us this 2012. Happy New Year!

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Believe in your heart is saying, hear the melody that’s playing. There’s no time to waste, there’s so much to celebrate. Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need, if you just BELIEVE!!

                                 Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to
                                 fly. You have everything you need, if you just BELIEVE!!

                                                          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!               



Magical Bergdorf Goodman Holiday Windows 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year....    Here in New York, I'm having the most wonderful time looking at this creative holiday windows from Bergdorf Goodman.  They just simply transport you to a magical place and make you smile with delight. This year the theme is " Carnival of the Animals".  You can practically see an explosion of all kind of animals display in the most beautiful ways. David Hoey and his theme created an spectacular work with these windows, I'm just speechless to see how much talent they have. Now, get ready to enjoy these amazing pictures that I took to share with you. Happy Holidays!


It's Looking Like Christmas!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! My kids helped me to decorate the tree and I've been doing some Christmas decorations around the house. We decorated the house with lots of village houses, just because we looove them.... I think it's because they look so magical inside and out. I used them to decorate the tree and also under the tree. My kids love looking inside them. My son Kenneth always says that he wants to live inside them and I agree with him. The Christmas spirit is definitely around my little land.

                                                                            Merry Christmas!



Countdown to Christmas

Count the days to Christmas with these creative Advent calendars.  Include a small gift or activity for each day that way you'll have something fun to enjoy each day. My kids love little surprises and I can't wait for them to see what this 25 days will bring. So exited! There is no more time to wait because the countdown starts now!.

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Envelope Advent Calendar
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