
Super Kenneth 5th Birthday!

My son just turn 5 a few days ago. How is possible that I have a five year old is beyond me, but five it is.  He wanted a superhero party like every other 5 year old out there.  For his birthday my son had a spacial request. He wanted  to be part of his party planning, OH MY!!  I have to admit that at first, I felt kind of nervous because I was losing some control over this party , and I like things to be perfect and neat. But, then I thought that after all it was his day, and I wanted him to be happy.  He actually did most of the cut outs that you see on the backdrop, and helped me preparing the Jellos and Oreo pops.  He took every project so seriously, and did such a great job helping mommy.   I'm so proud of my SUPER BOY!!

These are Oreo Cakesters, that I just dipped in yellow, red and blue sprinkles. They were delicious!!!

Power Punch for the kiddos!!
I made homemade Masks for the kids. These were made with cardstock paper and thin elastic

I found these Superhero Designs at 3 Sweet P's.  Aren't these cool?

Super Hero Sandwiches 

These Confetti Popcorn are so yummy. Find the recipe here

Super Jellos

I found these cool Superhero Lollipop Templates at Zakka Life. You'll find lots of craft ideas there.

Oreo Pops are still my favorite party treat so far!!


Superhero Party Printables are from Belva June.



zakkalife said...

Your dessert table looks amazing!

Ladecoraciondemismesas.blogspot.com said...

Oh my god, looks fantastic!.

Susan @ Oh My! Creative said...

What a fun party - I love it!

Would love it if you would share it with my readers and post it on my web site - www.ohmy-creative.com


Unknown said...

Thank you Susan, I would love to share this party with your readers!!

Susan @ Oh My! Creative said...

Thanks for sharing your Super Hero Party. I see you missed posting the photos. If you email them to me I will put them in for you. You can not go back in an edit it yourself. Here's my email susan@ohmy-creative.com. It might take me until tomorrow to do it for you, but I am happy to do for you!

Kate said...

Love it! Looks like a ball - love the color theme! Those kids sure had lots of [cute] tasty treats!

Lissa (Bellenza) said...

Now, this is truly one SUPER party! Kudos, Mom Karo and to the birthday boy who seems quite the party decorator himself!

Unknown said...

Thank you Lissa!!

Brandi said...

You did a fantastic job!!! Love it!!! Is the cityscape made out of felt?

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