
{Party Feature} Eye Glasses Birthday Party

I'm totally in love with this super fun eye glasses party done by Krystina Evans of Bit.O.me  to celebrate her daughter Adalyn's first birthday.  Krystina did a wonderful job adding creative touches throughout such the paper bags folded to mimicked a party hat with the eye glasses stickers and the polka dot cups filled with different  fruit colors . Because the beautiful Adalyn loves to play with glasses there was a jar full of plastic party glasses  with the sign that has her face and read: MAKE THIS BABY SMILE Wear glasses. What a thoughtful idea!!!. No birthday is complete without an amazing cake and this party is no exception.. I love, love, love this cake especially Adalyn's pictures on it. This was truly a beautiful birthday party. What little girl wouldn't love this fun birthday party.

Krystina design this lovely invitation. What a talent!!!

The words around her face are lyrics from the song "Glad That You Were Born." That's so sweet!!!

They look adorable with the party glasses!


Lissa (Bellenza) said...

Saw this on Bit-O-Me, too, and loved it! Isn't that invitation so clever and adorable? And all the happy colors...so fun!

Ladecoraciondemismesas.blogspot.com said...

Hi Karo, it's Marta here, from www.ladecoraciondemismesas.blogspot.com
I like your blog and I'm reproducing some of your pictures in my next post (in a few days). I hope you don't mind. Of course they will be related to your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Martha! I can wait to see my pictures on your blog! Thanks for letting me know.

Sam Walsh said...

This is completely adorable and everyone looks so happy and like they're having so much fun! We usually give out novelty sunglasses to our guests, but I think I might take your approach and pop out the lenses next time!

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