
{Party Feature} Super Mario Bros Birthday Party

Last weekend we had an amazing time celebrating Zaylen's 3rd Birthday. His mom Carmen who is my sister in law, has an incredible talent to decorate parties. She created such a fun feel to every detail in this bright Super Mario Bros Party - from the cake table to the start cupcakes, and the original brown paper favor bags. Carmen, did a fabulous job executing every aspect of this party that i took some pictures to share with you all. So i hope you enjoy all of these many fun colorful ideas .

What an incredible cake! Love every single detail.

The cupcakes table
The Candy Table
The kids had a blast with so many goodies.
 We love you Zaylen!


Unknown said...

I'm glad I hopped over! AWESOME blog! That is such a cute party!!! I'm your newest follower!

XO, Aimee

Black and White Luxury said...

En primer lugar felicitarte por tu blog nos encanta. Nosotras somos nuevas en la blogosfera a si que esperamos tus consejos y comentarios para mejorar. un besito¡¡¡¡


Unknown said...

Gracias por tu comentario, Me encantaría saber mas de ustedes y su blog. Mucha suerte con esta nueve aventura, y bienvenidas al mundo de los blogs.

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